Botany | Botany


| B.Sc.

Graduation in Botany is a 3-year graduate degree program with the minimum eligibility. The course contains a diverse range of subjects from the study of sustainable agriculture to entrepreneurship skills. Botany is one of the oldest branches of plant sciences. It is surprisingly useful in areas which have applications in early medicine made from plant extract. A study in Botany is as important today as it ever was.

It provides not only hands on experience and professional input but it also develops analytical and commenting attitude. Climate change is expected to have a profound effect on the world, such criticism can be well evaluated by students after completing this program. To sum up, the curriculum is a source of huge information to develop scientific attitude among students to make them curious and critical thinkers. Autonomy has helped to develop the skill, research and consultancy. It has been prepared keeping in this view the unique requirement of botany students.


Flipped classroom is used by faculty members. Learners are provided with Weblink of videos before the actual teaching process to demonstrate certain processes. Project based learning and Group discussion also facilitates to clear certain concepts. Students are divided in small groups and peer assessment among them is practiced. Cooperative learning strategy is applied to make teaching learning process interactive. Students prefer project based learning over other because it gives more hands-on and improve the practical skills.

Career Prospects

  • MSc Botany
  • MBA in pharmaceutical management
  • Environment consultant
  • Horticulturist
  • Teaching
  • Lab Technician
  • Nursery or Green House manager
  • Park Ranger
  • Ecologist


Eminent Alumni

Programme Outcomes

  • Disciplinary Knowledge – Depth of core and disciplinary subjects.
  • Resourceful and Responsible – Ability to motivate, capable of handling independent work.
  • Learning and Research skills – Equipped to seek knowledge and to continue learning throughout their lives.
  • Global Awareness – An understanding of international traditions and practices both within and beyond their discipline.
  • Reflective Learning – Set aspirational goals for continuous personal and professional growth.


  • Departmental festival Vruksham (workshop, exhibition, guest lecture)
  • Start up counters
  • Mandatory project based learning
  • Skill based diploma (Plant Tissue Culture) and certificate courses
  • Hands on training
  • Curriculum related swayam courses
  • Internship.

Head of the Department

Dr. Ajit Katdare
Associate Professor