Statistics | Statistics


| B.Sc.

The underlying philosophy of the B.Sc. statistics program is to develop theoretical and analytical skills of the students so that they may be absorbed in the corporate world or be able to pursue higher studies at the Master's level in Statistics. In the rapidly changing globalised market scenario, the need was felt to equip students with the capability to understand and handle the dynamic of statistics and the business world.

Statistics and statistical methods play a major role in the work environment in areas such as business, science, finance, economics, engineering to mention just a few. It is very important that people are comfortable with reading statistics and using statistical methods. This programme will give you the knowledge and understanding of basic statistical methods such as sampling and collecting data, probability, distributions, regression analysis. By completing this course, students will gain the knowledge and understanding to confidently read statistics and apply statistical methods within their daily working environment.


First Year (Semester- I)

Make students realize about understanding and importance of the data along with the summarizing and presenting the data in tabular / diagrammatic manner, using measures of central tendencies and dispersions.

In this semester, students will learn basic concepts of probability and various discrete probability distributions such as binomial, poisson, hypergeometric and uniform distribution.

First Year (Semester- II)

In this semester, students will learn correlation and regression analysis for bivariate data, time series analysis and index numbers.

In this semester, students will learn various continuous probability distributions such as rectangular, exponential, normal and chi-square distributions. Also concept of point and interval estimation, large sample test is introduced.

Second Year (Semester- III)

In this course, student will be able to develop problem-solving techniques needed, to accurately calculate, probabilities using moment generating functions and cumulant generating functions. Most widely used discrete probability distributions such as binomial, poisson, uniform, geometric, negative binomial, and hypergeometric, truncated binomial and truncated poisson and recognize them in applications. Understand concept of bivariate probability distributions and Jacobian transformation.

In this course, student will be able to understand the objectives of a sample survey. Know the common sampling techniques such as simple random sample, stratification, systematic sampling, cluster sampling; recognize and understand when it is appropriate to use each technique.

In this course, a student will be able to formulate linear programming problem (LPP) in standard form, and use of the simplex method to solve them. Use duality to solve LPP. Understand optimization techniques in transportation, assignment, sequencing problems. Understand decision making under uncertainty and risk.

In this course, a student will be able to understand of basic concepts in time series analysis. Understand various forecasting techniques and knowledge on modern statistical methods for analyzing time series data.

Second Year (Semester- IV)

In this course, student will be able to understand the principles of randomisation, replication, local control and theory of designing experiments. Understand and use the terminology of experimental designs. Explore the general theory of factorial and block designs.

In this course, a student will be able to understand the role and application of CPM, PERT for project scheduling. Understand the concepts of statistical process control and quality control. Understand the concept of data mining.

In this course, a student will be able to understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies. Understand basic concepts of sampling. Write a research report and thesis.

Third Year (Semester- V)

In this course, a student will be able to calculate probability of events by using laws of probability. Derive probability distribution of order statistics and sample range, sample median.

In this course, a student will be able to fit various continuous probability distributions and to study various real life situations.

In this course, a student will be able to apply different methods of estimation and be able to select the best estimator based on various properties of the estimator.

In this course, a student will be able to identify appropriate sources of data, perform basic demographic analyses using various techniques and ensure their comparability across populations. And to able to produce population projections and interpret the information gathered by the different demographic methods.

In this course, a student will be able to fit the simple, Multiple and Logistic Regression models. Model building, residual diagnostics, corrective measures and polynomial regression model. Test the hypothesis of model parameters, AIC and BIC criteria. Interpret the output produced by glm command in R.

In this course, a student will be able to understand basic econometric techniques needed for empirical quantitative analysis.

In this course, a student will be able to make correct decisions in real life market circumstances. Estimate the no. of units to be kept in stock keeping in view the cost constraints in various situations.

This course introduces students to general block designs with particular cases and importance of confounding in factorial designs. Apply BIBD & Split-Plot design in appropriate situations. Justify the use of total and partial confounding and analyse the design accordingly.

In this course, a student will be able to write c- programs. Write control and looping statements. Construct c-user-defined functions and c-structures.

Third Year (Semester- VI)

This course is to acquaint students with the concepts such as Survival analysis, Reliability theory, Censoring and Non-parametric estimation of Survival function. By the end of this course, learner will able to Find survival functions and hazard functions from the survival data. Compute reliability of the system. Understand different types of censoring. Compute K-M estimator of survival function.

In this course, a student will be able to define and distinguish between various types of Parametric and nonparametric methods. Formulate test-statistic formula when sample size is not fixed in advance and also for fixed sample size.

In this course, a student will be able to construct different types of stochastic processes and queuing models. Students will able to differentiate various types of birth and death processes. Identify Markov processes and Markov chains. Setup different types of queuing models.

In this course, a student will be able to differentiate different types of annuities, assurance plan. To calculate present and accumulated value of money under different types of annuities. To calculate and compare level annual premium under different assurance plan.

In this course, a student will be able to do data preparation for knowledge discovery, Data Processing ,Data Cleaning, : Data Mining Process: CRISP and SEEMA.

In this course, a student will be able to determine rate at which infection spreads for a given epidemic. Evaluate statistically the significance of the treatments given. Formulate appropriate study design to estimate different parameters and analyse the results.

In this course, a student will be able to understand applications of time series in forecasting using statistical methods. Distinguish different components of time series.

In this course, a student will be able to construct linear models with the help of matrix theory. Analyse a Co-variance matrix.

In this course, a student will be able to write simple R-commands to calculate various statistical measures. Write R-commands for testing of hypothesis and ANOVA.

Programme Outcomes

By the end of the programme, learners should be able to:

  • Define statistical terms.
  • Comprehend statistical concepts and relationships in the economic and social aspects among others.
  • Interpret, use and present information in written, graphical, diagrammatic and tabular terms.
  • Deduce and infer through manipulation of statistical expressions.
  • Appreciate the beauty and crucial role of statistics in national development.
  • Enable efficient use of electronic devices to solve statistical problems.
  • Develop the ability to use statistical knowledge and skills in other disciplines.

Career Prospects

Statistics being an interdisciplinary subject, career opportunities are in almost every field wherever analysis of data is required. After completing this program students may have career prospects in :

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • I.T. industry
  • Data analytics
  • Actuaries
  • Banking
  • Academics
  • Machine learning & Artificial intelligence
  • To determine optimum strategies in military
  • Government organizations such as NSSO, NSO


Lot of derivations are involved, in the subject of statistics, therefore usually we use chalk-board method. Also, to show various graphs and diagrams, we use power-point presentation.

To solve practical problems, Round Robin strategy of Cooperative learning is adapted in which entire class is divided to different groups of 5-6 students each. To each group one practical problem is given. Each group begins their brainstorming and the group leader records their ideas. Then is group presents their solution to the given problem to entire class. The main objective of Round Robin strategy is to make the students to share their idea, express views in effective manner to entire class. It also provides scope for active participation.


  • Department organises many hands-on training workshops on R-software, Python, Biostatistics etc.
  • Also visiting lectures from eminent speakers are organised in every semester.
  • Industrial visits to various agricultural universities are organised every year.
  • B.Sc. Statistics program also includes many electives such as Research methodology, operation research, Time series etc.


Mr. Prashant Shah