About Our ANO

About Our ANO

The ANO of Girls NCC unit is Lt. Dr. Rohini A. Kasabe.

As a Assistant professor of ECONOMICSs joined the K.J.Somaiya college of Science And Commerce in August 2016. From January 2017 works as a CTO in KJSSC Girls NCC unit. In July 2019 awarded Phd in Economics. From 20th July to 20th 2019 October successfully completed PRCN course at Gwalior OTA and achieved Lieutenant Rank.

  • Each Battalion consists of companies which are commanded by the Associate NCC Officer (ANO) of the rank of lieutenant to major.
  • The ANO is in control of the cadets and is responsible to plan and organize training with the assistance of the Permanent Instructional (PI) staff, detailed by the NCC unit. NCC Officer (ANO) is the main key functionary of NCC in Colleges/ School.