Senior College Examination FAQ


The following two options are available for an internal evaluation. (The option available to a student can be changed in different academic years:

Group A: Test + Assignment
Group B: Project

A student will be allotted a subject expert as mentor and the student does the project under his/ her guidance. The student will compile a short 10 to 20 page report describing the project and the process of completion of the project and the conclusion drawn from the project. The student will have to present the same to the subject expert along with any other reviewing committee. Department can modify the marks allotted to this according to their requirements.

  • For F.Y. / S.Y. / T.Y. B. Sc. and B.Com. Continuous evaluation tests of 25 marks will be conducted. There can be more than one test which will contain objective / subjective questions.
  • Skill based tests carrying 15 marks will be conducted throughout the semester. This can include assignment, powerpoint presentation etc.
  • The students, who are unable to clear the internal, will be given another chance to appear for the 40 marks test/ project. It will be conducted by the respective departments.

Once the student has selected the option (A/B) for internal evaluation then he/she cannot make any changes for that semester. For each semester the student is required to select the options.

A student cannot opt for Group B for all the courses as their choice for internal evaluation. He/she can opt for group B maximum of 50% of the courses that he/she is learning. A student can opt for all courses group A as their choice of internal evaluation.

If a student remains absent for any test due to sickness/ death in the family/ is representing the college in a university level or state level or regional level or national level or international level competition or any other valid reason (Principal will be the final authority to decide the validity) then such student has to apply for the additional internal examination that will be conducted by the department. All documents to be submitted to the department concerned, the test will be held before the start of semester end examination. The application should reach the concerned department within 3 days of the examination that was missed. The application should be with supporting documents. If a student misses the additional exam for the internal test then no more chances will be provided for the same.

There is a provision for a revaluation of the internal test. The student has to give an application to the examination cell within 4 days of declaring the result (before the individual mark sheet is distributed).

There is no scaling down of internal/semester end/practical marks

A student has to get a minimum of 40% separately in internal and semester end or practical examination. (16 marks out of 40 in the internal , 24 marks out of 60 in the semester end examination 40 marks out of 100 in the Practical Course )

A student can apply for the ATKT examination. ATKT examination is conducted tentatively in the month of September (Forms will be available in the month of July/August) in the first term and tentatively in the month of February (Forms will be available in the month of January) in the second term. Actual month of conducting the exam may change.

A student can apply for the additional examination within 3 days of missing the examination to the examination cell. A committee will be constituted to check the veracity of the claim. If they are found eligible then they will be intimated through noticeboard for the additional examination.

There is no provision for an additional exam for the ATKT/Grade improvement exam.

For any reason if you have missed your practical examination then they can request the department concerned to allow you out of turn, provided there is another batch remaining to be examined. If no batch remains then the student has to give the ATKT examination. . If you have missed the exam due to medical reason/ representing the college for any event/ etc then please read the answer provided for the above question.

All semester ATKT examination is held twice a year. Tentatively they are held in September and February. Forms are available in July-August/January.

If a student wants a photocopy of the answer paper they need to apply for the same within 7 days of declaring the results once the notice is put up. The amount will be applicable as per the prevailing rates

A candidate can apply for the revaluation of the answer book of the subject. Revaluation is conducted only where the written scripts are available. The amount will be applicable as per the prevailing rates.

On receipt of the photocopy if the discrepancy of following nature is noticed by the examinee, he/she should apply to the examination cell in the prescribed form along with the said photocopy and copy of the question paper within three (03) working days from the date of publication of the notice. (excluding the day the student has collected the photocopy) as per the provisions hereinabove.

  • Mistake in total
  • Non assessment of a question / sub-question if required

After due verification, the Principal shall make necessary rectification in the marks allotted in the said subject and consequently in the result of the candidate without charging any further fee for necessary rectification.

Those students who have failed in the internal/semester end examination in the earlier years have to fill the ATKT forms. Odd semester ATKT examination form is to be filled in the month of July/August. Even semester examination forms are to be filled in the month of January. They are not eligible for the additional examination.

The last chance to give the annual pattern examination was April 2018. It depends on the University. As and when University allows the college to conduct the examination the notice will be put up on the noticeboard and uploaded in the notice section under examination.

Attending lectures is compulsory. Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory. The lectures help the student to understand a topic in another perspective which may not always be possible to obtain through books.